Jul 14, 2023Liked by A Voice for Choice Advocacy

Never mind the prevalence of vitamin A supplementation to most foods and supplements. Vitamin A toxicity is an epidemic and seriously disabling. Check PubMed for proof. Not surprisingly Bill Gates is one of the biggest promoters of Vitamin A supplementation. It’s disturbing how quickly this is dismissed and no one is looking at it. It’s successfully flying under everyone’s radar.

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Thanks for this! We'll take a closer look at it. Appreciated. :)

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deletedJul 14, 2023Liked by A Voice for Choice Advocacy
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Yes, good questions, and could be an article of its own. We err with you on the side of caution, and not blindly trusting doctors and dentists—especially if they're unable to have a well-versed conversation on both sides. If they're simply regurgitating old narrative, believing in their "wisdom" is always questionable. Good point about asking about prior exposure ... never heard that either.

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